“Always pass on what you have learned.” *
*Yoda in “Return of the Jedi”.
Geeks and Gamers tend to be a curious bunch. Wether online or offline, we travel to distant places to learn and broaden our horizone. Well and out of fun. In any case we have our fair share of opinions and questions and on the way we sometimes pick up valuable lessons. All of which we irregularly share in this hidden pocket of the world wide web.
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Game remakes: The Arcade Hotel’s Top 5
Always felt like the originals were better? Well, to us, these remakes were absolutely worth it...
Stories in Fighting Games: Tekken's Missed Opportunity
OK, let me start by saying something: I LOVE fighting games. In fact, my first ever video game memory is a fighting game one: Ι, about 5 years old, playing the original Tekken, and being captivated by all those colourful characters.
Divided, we fall.
This week each one of us will have their moment of power in shaping the outcome of what will form our future. Head to the polls and let every voice be heard!Let's stand together and help create something bigger than us.
Marvel Phase Four Episode 1
Welcome to a new series! As big Marvel fans we feel it’s our duty to keep you informed on Marvel Cinematic Universe news, predictions and opinions.
The Arcade’s Top 5 Easter Eggs
With all kinds of movie and video game universes, picking 5 of them wasn’t an easy job. Lots of gems were crossed off or voted away, taking a full day, scraping the web, this is what we’ve ended up with. Our top five easter eggs.
DUNE remake scheduled Nov 2020
For all of those fans waiting on a proper do-over... This could be it! We can't wait!